SSUF/A Splinter Group’s Leader Announces “Interim Leadership”


A splinter group of the South Sudan United Front/Army (SSUF/A) on Monday announced the formation of Interim Leadership following Nairobi Declaration.

Today’s announcement comes few days after SSUF/A, formerly led by General Paul Malong Awa, breakaway into two groups after senior army officials dethrone General Malong from leadership and announced the formation of new splinter group called the SSUF/A Nairobi Declaration.

In a statement shared to The East African Daily, Major General Dickson Gatluak, Chairman and Commander-in-Chief of South Sudan United Front/Army (SSUF/A-Nairobi Declaration) has declared the interim leadership which would be effective immediately.

“By the authorities conferred upon me by the Supreme Leadership Council (SLC), approved and blessed by Political Command Council (PCC) and Military Command Council (MCC), in accordance with the Nairobi Declaration 28/01/2023, I Gen. Dickson Gatluak Jock Nyuot, the Chairman and Commander-in-Chief of South Sudan United Front/Army (SSUF/A) do hereby declare the formation of Interim Leadership of SSUF/A- Nairobi Declaration on this date Feb. 6th, 2023 as it shall come into effect on the sited date of the signature by myself, the Chairman and Commander-in-Chief of South Sudan United Front/Army” the newly appointed leader said.

Speaking to The East African Daily Monday, Dickson Gatluak, leader of SSUF/A Nairobi Declaration said they are the new leadership taking over due to lack of progress from the former chairman.

“Ours is a take over the leadership from General Paul Malong Awan who has failed to reorganize the party due to the sanctions by US, UK and United Nations Security Council on his direct command over private Militia during the conflict in South Sudan in 2013 and 14” he said.

“This has hindered the operation of the movement due to the fact that he could not travel freely because of the travel ban” he added.

The full list of the Supreme Leadership Council, the Political Command Council and the Military Command Council are as follows:

(A) Supreme Leadership Council (SLC)-Permanent Members as follows:

  1. Cdr.Gatluak Jock Nyuot Buoy  popularly known as Dickson Gatluak, Chairman and commander-in-Chief of South Sudan United front and army ( SSUF/A)
  2. Cdr.Marine Anier Dhuol, Deputy Chairman.
  3. Cdr.Loro Befo Modiluggor, Chief of Defence Forces
  4. Brig. Gen. Buay Kandong Liem,Chief security
  5. Cdr.Guol Jial Bikot, Member
  6. Cdr.Nyagoa Tito Biel Chuor Member
  7. Cdr. Moses Wawich Thok, Acting Spokesperson of Superime Leadership Council ( SLC) and  spokesperson of SSUF/ A


  1. Cdr.Dickson Gatluak Jock Nyuot, Chairman and Commander-in-Chief
  2. Cdr.Marine Anier Dhuol, Deputy Chairman
  3. Mr.Thomas Peter Okech Secretary General (SG)
  4. 4.Cdr.Guol Jial Bikot,  Secretary for Public Administration and Local government.
  5. Cdr. Abraham Ayual Jok Alaak,Secretary for Political mobilisation
  6. Cdr. Moses Wawich Thok, Secretary for Foreign Affairs,Acting Spokesperson of South Sudan United front/Army ( SSUF/A)
  7. Cdr.Nyagoa Tito Biel Chuor,Secretary for Finance & Administration
  8. Cdr. Nhial Dojiok Doap,Secretary for Legal affairs
  9. Dr. Marial Mach Aduot, Secretary for relief and rehabilitation commission
  10. Nyasalam Majang Riak Roah, Secretary for woman and child welfare

(C)  Military Command Council ( MCC)

  1. 1.Major Gen.Khamis Silvano, Chief of General Staff
  2. 2.Major.Gen. Tut Wechtuor, Deputy Chief for Training and research.
  3. 3.Major.Gen. Kume Pech Reath, Deputy Chief of Administration and Finance.
  4. Brig.Gen.Buay Kandong Liem, Chief Security
  5. Brig. Gen.Amos Kuol Puok, Logistics
  6. Deputy Chief of General Staff for operation, to be appointed.
  7. Colonel. Philip Deng Kuol, Military Spokesperson

(The East African Daily)

One thought on “SSUF/A Splinter Group’s Leader Announces “Interim Leadership”

  1. General Gatluak need to refrain from such act.

    Paul Malong can’t be removed by his subordinate whom he brought up from no where.

    General Gatluak Jock is desperate in leadership that he can’t manage, imagine, giving the un recognized ranks to school boys and girls can’t help Him.

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