Tigray Leader Getachew Names New Cabinet as Ethiopia Peace Holds



  • Tigray government sources confirmed that the new cabinet comprises of 27 members.
  • Two weeks ago Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed appointed Getachew as leader of Tigray’s interim administration.
  • The new cabinet is dominated by TPLF members but includes two members of a Tigrayan opposition party.

The newly appointed president of Tigray’s interim administration Getachew Reda on Wednesday unveiled a new cabinet which will lead the political transition in the region. 

The announcement comes about two weeks after the Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed appointed Getachew as leader of Tigray’s interim administration.

Tigray government sources confirmed that the new cabinet comprises of 27 members including two military commanders who led the Tigray forces in the two-year-long war against the Ethiopian national army and the allied Eritrean soldiers.

Vice presidents

The two senior army leaders — Gen Tsadkan Gebretensae and Lt Gen Tadesse Werede — will join Getachew as the two vice presidents of the Tigray region.

Gen Tsadkan, the former chief of staff of the Ethiopian National Defence Forces and a mastermind to the Tigray rebellion, will serve in the cabinet secretariat (cluster) for Decentralisation and Democratisation, with the rank of vice president.

On the other hand, Lt Gen Tadesse will head the secretariat for peace and security, also with the rank of vice president.

In a ceremony held Wednesday, the administration of the region, which was headed by Debretsion Gebremichael, handed over power to the new interim administration headed by Mr Getachew.

Prior to assuming the top regional post, Getachew was serving as an advisor to the outgoing president and as spokesperson for the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF).

Dominated by TPLF

The new cabinet is dominated by TPLF members but includes two members of a Tigrayan opposition party, National Congress of Great Tigray (Baytona).

The interim administration was established in accordance with the peace agreement signed in Pretoria, South Africa last November between the Ethiopian federal government and TPLF.

The peace accord ended the bloody conflict in the Tigray region which claimed the lives of over 600,000 people and displaced millions of others.

The two parties agreed that an interim administration will be established to rule Tigray until elections are held.

Speaking at Wednesday’s inauguration ceremony, Debretsion said that the TPLF and all the people of Tigray “will support the administration in fulfilling its responsibilities to ensure lasting peace and the development of the Tigray region and its people through a peaceful struggle”.

Getachew Reda on his part said that the regional government will use all the resources at its disposal to ensure the survival and security of the people of Tigray.

While commending the former Tigrayan leadership, the new leader urged them to work side by side with the interim government to ensure the interests of Tigray are safeguarded.

(Source: The East African) 

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